Friday, 3 December 2010, 9:31 AM

Isn’t Email Important to E-Commerce?

I spent a few days in Borås, Sweden, and had the chance to get in on the program for the Distanshandelsdagen (E-commerce Day). This day is really important because a whole melting pot of e-marketers and e-marketing providers are there. And the meat and potatoes on the discussion table was basically everything that’s important to the development of e-commerce.  Which is exciting.

Just over 800 people were there. And at this point, I’m sure you know that I am a perfect email nerd. In this crazy email frenzy, I was hunting for any and all email providers who I knew to be working hard to lift up and improve Nordic email marketing. But to my complete and utter dismay… I found one, uno, yes people the number 1… email provider on the floor. Who? Compost! (No, it’s not a farming company).

There are four of us at “Nordic eCommerce Knowledge” that will be organizing the Nordic eCommerce Summit in Stockholm in May 2011 – that’s why I know that Compost is the only provider that has taken the initiative completely of themselves to have a part in the Summit.

Compost was also at the Distanshandelsdagen in Borås, and they did a pretty awesome job with shining a light on the positive side of email marketing.

After this, I’m pretty sure that the thirst for knowledge about email marketing, integration, transaction email, and email with social media couldn’t be any stronger in any other industry than within the world of email and e-commerce.

Thank you Robert, Vegar, Apu, Sara and Felipe for showing all of your enthusiasm for email marketing!

I’ll put up the photos as soon as I can. Wait in expectation.
