All posts in ‘Misc’
Thursday, 20 December 2012
MacHeist has done it again – the best e-mail campaign!
What they do is to gather a bunch of applications, pack them in an attractive way and sell them at a heavily reduced price during a limited time. For 29 dollars your’re offered applications worth 589 dollars (and 25 % of what you pay goes to charity)!
They implement this with the help of gamification and a neat, pretty aggressive e-mail campaign consisting of many e-mail – but the again: you do get a lot for free. Up until the day the package is available you’re asked to solve riddles and problems, and in this way you get applications for free.
In every e-mail there’s something of value for you.
You may look for a neater and more well-made campaign – but you won’t find one!
Check these e-mails and be inspired!

The e-mails above seem to be one single big picture – which wouldn’t have been such a great idea since most e-mail clients block pictures – but that is not the case.
If you scroll the e-mail you’ll find interesting messages too:

When you visit the web page you’ll find the same neat design:

And simultaneously you’ll find the same campaign on Facebook and Twitter – of course.

With this campaign MacHeist enhance the customers’ interest and give value during a long time before the offer itself turns up. They keep their subscribers engaged and curious. With the help of gamification it becomes a little game and a digital adventure.
By Christopher Mansson
Category: Misc
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Interesting reading – Dave Pell’s thoughts on e-mailing:
NextDraft’s Dave Pell on why email is still the killer app
Thanks to Ari Ahokas for the tip!
By Christopher Mansson
Category: Misc
Thursday, 6 September 2012

I like it!
It’s clear, simple, and it’s focused on your e-mail. You can log in with your existing Hotmail account – if you have one.
Here’s the new
I think Microsoft is on the right track with this new and stripped design. Rounded corners, shadings and glass reflecting lights – the time for those things is over!
By Christopher Mansson
Category: Misc
Monday, 9 July 2012
Some time ago Campaign Monitor, an e-mail service provider, got in touch with us asking why they didn’t get the best mark in our test of e-mail tools. One of the reasons was that we felt that guiding films and other types of support are really important for a user who really wants to master the tool.
Their answer was that they would look into the matter at once. (I do like that kind of attitude!) And the founder of the company, Ben Richardson, seems to be a man of action. When you visit their home page you’re immediately encountering this very nice ”guiding” film clip on their editor. Since I’m a girl having a weakness for synth music – I kind of fell in love with it…
Campaign Monitor Editor Demo from Campaign Monitor on Vimeo.
Ben, if you read this … Where’s your very nice e-mail gallery? I miss it, can’t find it on your new fine home page.
Love Sarah@@@@@
By Sarah Wittbom
Category: Misc
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Finally! The e-mail client Sparrow has come to iPhone. So far only in English, but there are more languages underway. Surely this will be my new mobile e-mail client!
Read more about Sparrow for Mac and iPhone or go directly to App Store.
By Christopher Mansson
Category: Misc
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