Wednesday, 10 November 2010, 2:01 PM
Newsletter #1
So, last week we sent out our first newsletter, it’s all in Swedish, but I still want to tell you how it went. This is it by the way…
We used MailChimp, but I manually coded the nine snippets from our website in HTML. Our list still has less than 1,000 subscribers, so this means that it’s still free for us to send out our newsletters with MailChimp. This is a huge plus for MailChimp!
So the question is, how did it go with our newsletter, and with MailChimp?
Well, MailChimp is a tad on the slow side when getting started. Everything marched along flawlessly, but it did take about 15 minutes before the first email was on its way out the door. This is something to think about if you have something important that needs to be out by a certain time. Leave a little room for yourself.
The stats look good. We have zero bounces, zero spam complaints and no one is unsubscribing. Almost 70 % opened the letter and the click frequency is about 35 %. Why thank you.
Some people signed up the same day we sent the letter, but it was after the actual letter went out. For a situation like this, MailChimp prevails. You go to your email list and click on “segment”. And there you’ll find a pre-made filter that says “send to recipients that joined after your last campaign”. A few more clicks and all your new subscribers get the latest. Done!
And a fun bonus: If you log in to MailChimp during holidays, you get a special tailor made welcome.